Charity Calls to Spot Signs of Child Neglect
4 December 2018, 10:29
A children's charity says it referred more than 900 calls about child cruelty and neglect in Scotland last year.
The NSPCC said a similar number of children were on a protection plan or register for concerns involving neglect in 2017/18.
The charity has launched an awareness campaign highlighting what it says is the most common form of child abuse in the UK, and calling for donations to its helpline.
Cruelty and neglect can include abuse, abandoning a child for long periods, and failing to provide for their basic needs.
According to the NSPCC, Police Scotland recorded 640 offences last year.
The figure is down on 792 cases in 2016/17, but the charity said people should be aware of the signs a child is being neglected.
They include poor hygiene, untreated injuries or medical issues, and turning up for school hungry and with no lunch money.
Joanna Barrett, policy and public affairs manager for NSPCC Scotland, said: "Neglect can have severe and long-lasting consequences for
children, and can also be an indicator of other forms of abuse.
"This is why it's so important for anyone suspecting a child of being neglected to contact the NSPCC Helpline, so we can alert the authorities
to quickly step in and help those in need.
"We are appealing to the generous nature of the public to support our Light For Every Childhood Christmas Appeal to help us be there for
even more young people in need."