Giggs yn Barod i Hybu Talent Newydd
20 March 2018, 13:07 | Updated: 20 March 2018, 13:08

Mae Ryan Giggs yn dweud bod awydd ganddo i hybu talent ifanc yn ei rol newydd fel rheolwr Cymru.
Mae o'n bwriadu rhoi cyfleoedd i chwaraewyr newydd y garfan wedi iddo chwarae rol hefo datblygiad Marcus Rashford.
Roedd Giggs un o is-reolwyr Manchester United pan cafodd Rashford ei gem cyntaf yn 18 oed, gan sgorio dwywaith.
"It has never been a problem for me giving young players a chance," Giggs said ahead of his opening games at the China Cup this week.
"Even in my four games at United (when he was interim manager in 2014) I gave Tom Lawrence and James Wilson their debuts. I am not afraid to do that.
"Marcus was obviously someone I had seen develop and he got his chance with an injury in the warm-up.
"I always say that when I got my chance it was Lee Sharpe who got injured.
"I couldn't see a way into the first team. Sharpey had won PFA young player of the year and he was playing for England.
"I was thinking 'he is in my position', but it is up to young players to take their chance."
Mae Giggs am reoli'i gem cyntaf hefo Cymru yng Nghwpan Tseina, cystadleuaeth rhwng pedwar tim yn y ddinas, Nanning.
Bydd Cymru'n gwynebu Tseina dydd Iau, cyn chwarae yn erbyn unai'r Gweriniaeth Tsiecaidd neu Uruguay dydd Llun wythnos nesaf.