The Most Legit Dating App Has Arrived & It's Nothing Like Tinder
30 January 2018, 16:50 | Updated: 30 January 2018, 18:01

Move over, Tinder.
Long were the days where most people would actually meet their future partners in real life, now most of us are really lazy and pretty much rely on dating apps. Looking at you Tinder.
However a new app coming out "just in time for Valentines Day" called Ditto is trying to shake things up a bit by taking away all the choice that traditional dating apps offer and let you match with only one person at a time.
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Sounds cute until you’re ghosted by David with "no real reason" to his explanation why.
To be fair, if you do decide to unmatch with someone to pursue someone else (risky), you can choose from some nice parting reasons like 'inappropriate messages', 'not enough chemistry', 'long response times' and 'showed little interest'.
All this exclusive matching sounds like one horrible long game of Love Island, but we actually have a good feeling about this.
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The site says: "Dittoers believe in the concept of "less is more" and "quality over quantity." Fewer matches, better connections. We have higher standards.
"With Ditto, only the sincere connections last. No useless and mindless swiping. No more conversations going anywhere. No need to wonder how many other people your match is flirting with."
We're actually tempted to sign up...
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