This Guy Received The Most Savage ‘Wrong Number Text’ Ever & Now Everyone Wants To Find Helen

5 September 2017, 16:32 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Best Wrong Number Text Ever

Always make sure you have the right number!

Sometimes things happen and you need to contact someone whose details you don't have.

Sadly for Helen, this didn't end so well and she might want to have a word with the person who gave her Christi's number.

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Of course that's not gonna make any sense to you right now, so let us explain!

Twitter user @noahapaul shared the following message which he received accidentally and it's absolute wrong number gold...

But what was the stunt that Brittney pulled?

Did Caitlin deserve what she got?

Is the cul-de-sac barbecue really the biggest event of the century Helen?

Well after ghosting Helen and getting all the lols on Twitter, Noah then went and shared an update...

Best Wrong Number Text Ever (Censored)

How incredible is this entire situation?!

It turns out that Brittney had actually keyed Caitlin's car and is gonna be in for a world of pain if her mum doesn't reply to Helen pretty sharpish.

Not to mention she might miss out on the cul-de-sac barbeque!


Cue the rest of Twitter sharing some hilarious replies to this amazing thread...

How long will it be before 'Helen's Cul-De-Sac BBQ' is the newest fly on the wall reality TV show then?

We're already waiting TV producers...make it happen.

Whilst you're here, check out this awesome iPhone hack that will turn your speakers into a full-on soundsystem...

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