Your Exes Better Watch Out, Because Little Mix BRUTALLY Shout Out Your Exes Live At The #CapitalJBB! OUCH!
3 December 2016, 13:47 | Updated: 3 December 2016, 14:53

Trust us when we say this will help you get over any ex you've ever had.
It’s fair to say that we’ve all gone through a rough break-up at some point in our lives, locked ourselves away in our bedroom and ate our own bodyweight in ice-cream. (No? Just us, was it?)
Anyway… There’s no need for you to ever do that again, because Little Mix are here to save any broken hearts. Naturally.
> "I'm Channeling My Inner-Miley Cyrus" - Expect Twerking & Nudity From Nathan Sykes' #CapitalJBB Set!
After giving some pretty stellar #CapitalJBB advice, the girls read out some of their biggest (and most single) fans’ messages to they’re no-longer partners. And needless to say, it got pretty tense, real quick.
From Beth destroying the gifts her ex gave her, to Gemma just completely pieing off her partner for a mate, we had to get so much aloe vera in that office… FOR ALL OF THE BURNS!
Plus, even if you do break-up with your partner, you can always take a leaf out Lee’s book and just ask one of the Little Mix girls out yourself. It’s just that easy.