Jobs Help For 2000

Young People In Derbyshire Go On Course

More than 2000 young people in Derbyshire who've been out of work for more than six months will be taking part in a mandatory new project - or face losing their benefits.

Jobcentre Plus in Derbyshire say they want to help 18-24 year olds get the skills they need for work. 

Andrew Thomas district manager of Derbyshire Jobcentre Plus: "Right now it's a tough labour market out there and we want to make sure that the young people we work with have the best chance of succeeding. 

Our trailblazer will help people develop good working habits, such as turning up to work on time, as well as the right training and experience - something that employers have told us they're crying out for." 

Minister for Employment, Mark Hoban:

 "Under the last government young people who didn't have the necessary skills or experience they needed to get into work were just abandoned onto benefits. That is unacceptable. We're changing that and making sure that we give young jobseekers the support they need early on, when it can really make a difference to their job prospects." 

At the end of the eight weeks it is expected that the jobseekers will be in a better position to come off benefits and get into work.