Cynllun Llywodraeth Cymru I Curo Cancr

15 November 2016, 07:30 | Updated: 15 November 2016, 07:32

Doctor Generic

Fydd cynllun wedi ei gwella i gwella'r cyfradd o bobl sy'n oroesi cancr yn gael ei rhyddhau gan y Cynulliad yn hwyrach


Mae Ysgrifennydd Iechyd Cymru wedi cyhoeddi cynllun i gwella y cyfradd o pobl sy'n oroesi cancr. Mae'n mynd i canolbwyntio ar cancr yr ysgyfaint, gan fod niferau Cymru ar ei waethaf ym Mhrydain. Mae'n edrych i gwella'r canlyniadau o darganfod a diagnosio cancr ac hefyd gwella'r safon uchel o gofal i pobl sy'n gael ei trin. 

"Best cancer care is paramount”, dywedwyd Ysgrifennydd Iechyd Cymru Vaughan Gething

Mae cynllun cancr newydd Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei lawnsio heddiw gan yr Ysgrifennydd Iechyd Vaughan Gething.

Mae'r cynllun newydd sydd wedi gael ei datblygu gan y Grwp Gweithrediad Cancr mewn cyfuniad a hapddalwyr perthnasol, yn gynnwys y trydydd sector, yn sicrhau i parhau i gwella'r ystadegau o pobl yn oroesi'r clefyd; lleihau'r nifer o marwolaethau gynnar a fydd wedi digwydd oherwydd y clefyd ac i cau'r gap hefo'r gofal gorau o gofal cleifion cancr yn Ewrop. 

Mae'r cynllun yn canolbwynto ar cyflawni'r canlyniadau gorau i'r pobl sy'n dioddef o cancr yr ysgyfaint; gwella canlyniadau o darganfod y cancr yn gynnar trwy well mynediad at rheolweithiau diagnostig a sicrhau fod y lefelau uchel o gofal gan yr NHS o'r lefelau uchaf posib. 

Dywedwyd Vaughan Gething: “Sadly, cancer touches all our lives at some point. Most of us will know a friend or relative that has had the disease; some will have had a personal experience of it. Some will have lost the fight, but thankfully, many will have survived and gone on to live full and healthy lives.

“We’re proud that here in Wales cancer survival rates continue to increase year on year. Early death through cancer has declined by around 14 per cent over ten years. Overall scores given by patients in Wales to our cancer patient experience survey were positive.

“Spending on cancer services have risen from £347 million in 2011-12 to £409 million in 2014-15. We have provided nearly £10 million for replacement linear accelerators; we fully support the new £200 million Velindre Cancer Centre and £15 million has been allocated in the draft budget for better diagnostics.

“Despite all of this, there’s always more to do to ensure that we deliver the best possible cancer care for people here in Wales, this is paramount.

“I want to ensure that those people who have any form of the disease have access to exceptional treatment throughout their experience. Our renewed Together for Health - Cancer Delivery Plan, first published in 2012, clearly outlines the actions we are going to take to improve cancer survival rates.

“It’s our vision for the future – our commitment, in writing, to ensuring we are amongst the best in Europe for our cancer care. People in Wales deserve nothing less.”