Fly-Tipping Clean-up Costs In Birmingham Set To Rise To £1Million

18 October 2017, 18:13 | Updated: 18 October 2017, 18:24

Fly Tipping

Cars and vans belonging to fly-tippers and seized by Birmingham City Council have been crushed - as the cost of tackling the problem looks likely to hit a three-year high.

Figures show the council spent £257,716 to remove fly-tipping waste in the city in the first three months of this year. 

Tony Quigley is Head of the Waste Enforcement Unit and told Capital: "The cost is quite significant, and it’s not just to Birmingham, but to most cities across the country, and what we’re saying here is that fly-tipping is not acceptable”.


Those caught abandoning rubbish can face an unlimited fine and up to five years in jail if convicted.

Last year there were 14,799 cases of fly-tipping in Birmingham, but just 49 people were taken to court. 

Fines were also issued to 104 people between 2016-17. They raised a total of £18,800, which was paid to the Government and not the Local Authority responsible for clearing the streets. 

Birmingham City Council haven't yet released fly-tipping figures from June when the city's bin workers went on strike.

fly-tipping figures