Shawn Mendes Talks About Being Compared To Justin Bieber & Ed Sheeran Plus More
13 September 2016, 17:41

He also discusses Taylor Swift and says he wants to get into acting!
He's almost ready to release his second album 'Illuminate', so right now we're pretty obsessed with Shawn Mendes.
We're not the only ones though, as Shawn has one of the biggest fan bases going.
Shawn Mendes’ 2017 Illuminate World Tour's Coming To The UK! – Find Out How To Get Tickets!
So when we saw he'd been talking to legendary U.S personality Larry King about being compared to Justin Bieber, who he'd love to collaborate with and more, we were naturally excited.
So here are our favourite comments from Shawn's interview...
When asked whether he likes being compared to Justin Bieber, Shawn said, "I think there's things to like and things not to like."
"I think Justin and obviously Ed Sheeran are both phenomneal artists. Obviously my music is different to Justin's closer to Eds."
When he was asked about his upcoming Madison Square Garden show selling out in five minutes, Shawn said, "If someone told me five months ago that that would've happened I wouldn't have believed them.
"You can't fathom it to be honest with you."
Shawn felt he was misquoted by Billboard recently and addressed that during his chat with Larry.
He said, "I was explaining how as I grow up, I'm still changing and learning my fans as they're learning me as a person."
"I was just basically touching on how it takes a while for everyone to understand you."
"It was quoted out of context which was upsetting."
He also reveled some some intereasting things in a quick fire round.
When asked what super power he wish he had, Shawn said, "Teleportation."
He was also asked which artist from yesteryear he wishes he could collaborate with, to which he said, "I'd love to collaborate with Alicia Keys one day."
After Larry asked Shawn what the best piece iof advice he ever received was, he explained that it was something he learned from Taylor Swift.
"It was kinda something I leant from just watching Taylor [Swift] on stage and it was that there's no amount of success that allows you to stop working hard."
His final big reveal was to inform us that he plans to go into acting!
"I would really love to act. I think in the music videos we're releasing you kind of get to see the acting, but I'd love to go and venture into that land."