9 Things You'll Go Through Whilst Counting Down To The Jingle Bell Ball 2016

22 November 2016, 16:11 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Jingle Bell Ball 2016

Who's counting down the days?!

With the Jingle Bell Ball 2016 a matter of days away, we bet you're all kinds of excited. 

Trust us, it's going to be one hell of an epic weekend. 

> #CapitalJBB 2016 Line Up: Check Out The HUGE Stars Performing At The Jingle Bell Ball!

And we've got your preparation covered. Thank us later. 

See you at the Ball! 

1. Prepare for all the videos where you’re pretty sure you nailed your vocals but actually sounded like a dying cat. 

We're talking about us, not Taylor... obviously.


2. Make sure you've got your hair accessories nailed.

You want to make sure you stand out when bae comes on stage after all.

3. Eat ALL THE FOOD for energy purposes only. Obvs.


4. Practise your dance moves in the mirror.

To make sure you're basically Beyonce when you get to the O2. 


5. And then practise your hair flick. 

Nothing will rival Brad's from The Vamps though.

6. Getting ready to show off your sassy side for when Little Mix take to the stage.

Two words. Girl. Power.

7. Establishing that you’re the best singer in the group. Naturally.

Well, someone has to be...

8. When you nail the synchronised dance moves.

9. Practising your breathing techniques to make sure you don't hyperventilate when your favourite artist takes to the stage. 

Because, yes, they're going to look flawless. 

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