Rough Sleepers In The East Midlands

14 November 2013, 07:05 | Updated: 30 March 2016, 13:50

Capital's been told more people need to report rough sleepers to authorities to help get them off the streets.

Across cities in the East Midlands there are 42 people sleeping rough each night. We spent the morning with the Framework team in Nottingham to see how they' re trying to get that number down. 

Framework's Street Outreach Team serves two main roles; to engage with and help rough sleepers and to quantify the extent of street homelessness in partnership with other agencies such as local authorities.

Working in Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Rutland, its members are at the front line of the fight against rough sleeping and street homelessness. 

550 People Helped Each Year

They work in the early hours of the morning in order for them to identify those in the greatest need of support. The team, which helps more than 550 people every year, helps rough sleepers or those faced with the prospect of sleeping rough to:

  • Find safe and secure accommodation
  • Find appropriate treatment for underlying drug, alcohol and mental health problems
  • Secure access to medical help
  • Re-engage with estranged family members
  • Return to their home region of home country
  • Claim whatever benefits they may be entitled to 


Capital On Patrol With Framework

Listen to our reporter Laura Pankhurst as she joins the street team on patrol here: 
To help a rough sleeper (or even to help yourself) call our 24 hour hotline on: Nottingham: 0800 066 53 56.