11 Life Lessons That We Can Learn From Harry Styles' Debut Solo Album

12 May 2017, 13:44

Harry Styles

He's a wise guy.

With Harry Styles’ hot anticipated album dropping this week and Harry being a seriously wise guy, who else better to take life lessons from than the One Direction guy? 

From falling in love to getting your new girlfriend/boyfriend to meet your parents, Harry Styles is here to help with all your relationship problems. 

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Harry Styles

Here to help, guys. Here to help. 

Meet Me In The Hallway

Lyric: “I gotta get better, gotta get better”

Harry’s Life Lesson #1: Always push yourself, always aim to be a better person. It’s important, y’know? 

Sign Of The Times

Lyric: “Hope you're wearing your best clothes”

Harry’s Life Lesson #2: If you break up with someone, always wish them the best. Not all relationships are going to work but it’s time to get over it. K?

Sign Of The Times

Lyric: “And things are pretty good from here. Remember everything will be alright”

Harry’s Life Lesson #3: Everyone goes through rubbish times - whether you can’t afford a tin of soup at university because your broke AF or whether your boyfriend/girlfriend is being a pain in the a**e, just move on. University isn’t forever and relationships come and go. 


Lyric: “How would I tell her that she’s all I think about? Well, I guess she just found out”

Harry’s Life Lesson #4: JUST TELL THEM FOR GOODNESS SAKE. How else is your potential future bae going to find out? Unless of course you write a song about it... just like Harry. 

Two Ghosts

Lyric: “Same lips red, same eyes blue. Same white shirt, couple more tattoos”

Harry’s Life Lesson #5: If you break up with someone, maybe don’t write a song about them because the entire world will figure it out, tweet about it and then you’ll have to face the questioning. 

Sweet Creature 

Lyric: “But we’re still young”

Harry’s Life Lesson #6: You may feel like your exam season is aging you somewhat or that the fact that you just got approved for a mortgage (sorry, WHAT?!) means that you’re a full time grown up, but fear not. Go out and have fun. Like Harry said - and FYI, Harry is always right - we’re still young. 

Only Angel

Lyric: “Couldn’t take you home to mother in a skirt that short”

Harry’s Life Lesson #7: If you are about to meet your new boyfriend or girlfriends parents for the first time, dress appropriately, godammit. 


Lyric: “When she’s alone, she goes home to a cactus”

Harry’s Life Lesson #8: We’re sure there is a life lesson in here somewhere, but for the life of us, we can’t figure out what it is. Make sure you look after your houseplants, perhaps?

Ever Since New York

Lyric: “You don’t know nothing, just pretend you do”

Harry’s Life Lesson #9: You’ll meet a lot of people who think they know everything - particular at university. Play a game with them - pretend you know what the F you’re talking about, even if you have no idea. Could be an entertaining way to pass three years…


Lyric: “Should we just search romantic comedies on Netflix and see what we find”

Harry’s Life Lesson #10: Netflix and chill is always a good idea. 

From The Dining Table

Lyric: “Comfortable silence is so overrated” 

Harry’s Life Lesson #11: Say what you need to say. Ain’t no one got time to keep things bottled up.

Oh and we're just going to leave this here to make your day that bit better. *swoon*. kbye.

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